Adults programs seek to form and transform our lives and our faith, through study, dialogue, community life, prayer and worship. The programs that follow are some of the ways that we can share our journeys and enrich our lives together in Christ.
Sunday Morning Opportunities
Worship Services take place at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Learn about these services.
Sunday School for all ages is from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. each Sunday, September through May.
Adult Forum meets in the Parish Hall. The adult forum presents a wide variety of programs, topics and issues. Over the course of the year, adults engage the Scriptures, discuss topics that are relevant to daily life, Episcopal life and worship among others. Click here for a list of current topics.
Acolytes - Adults serve as acolytes at the 8:00 service each Sunday. If you are interested in being an acolyte, email Pat Edwards at
Faith Formation Programs
There are many additional opportunities for spiritual growth such as Bible and book studies forming each liturgical season, both in person and on zoom. All will help you along your spiritual path. For the latest information and programs, check our social media pages, current events and programs, and Chapel Chimes e-newsletter.
Mid-Week Worship
Wednesdays @5:30 p.m. in the Day School Chapel
This worship service alternates between Evening Prayer led by volunteers, and services of Holy Eucharist led by our clergy.
Men's Breakfast
First Friday of every month, 7:00 a.m.
Come for breakfast & great conversation with other men of Eastern Shore Chapel.
Make Music
It's always a good time to join our music ministry! Our ensembles include a 35-member SATB choir, a chorister choir for children from grades 2 through 7, and a three-octave handbell choir featuring members consisting of many generations. We also have a variety of other special music ensembles throughout the year.