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Military Families

Please watch this Field of Flags documentary and welcome video dedicated to military families!

Looking for a military-friendly church in Virginia Beach?


Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church has a long history of welcoming and supporting the military community of Hampton Roads. We pray for our deployed service members and send cards and letters to those stationed overseas. Our large church community of retired military members readily provides a listening ear, empathy, and active encouragement to military families.

We maintain vigilant remembrance of the sacrifice and service of our active duty military families. Eastern Shore Chapel has become known in the community for our annual field of flags memorial, placed outdoors on Memorial Day weekend and maintained through July 4th in honor of those who gave their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, beginning after 9/11 until present day.

For those military families relocating to the Hampton Roads area, we would like to invite you to worship with us and make Eastern Shore Chapel your church home.

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